Thursday, July 19, 2012


So as you all know, last I spoke we were expecting a new little addition to be joining our family. Well he arrived! July 9th to be exact. He didn't come into the world as I had hoped but it was perfect still the same. He is doing wonderfully, sleeping at night perfectly between feedings, eats like a champ and tolerates his older brother better than I expected. Now his older brother is still adjusting and we are working with him on how to better express his feelings but its tough being 22 months old and suddenly your world goes changes in a BIG way. Thankfully my wonderful husband has been home for the last 2 weeks and he will be home with us one more week before he returns to work. His company is quite awesome I do have to say, all this PAID paternity leave and then they still send us cookie basket welcoming our new addition in, pretty awesome if I do say so.

Pretty awesome huh? And they don't taste half bad though I am going to be a good girl and pace myself, maybe throw a few in the freezer so I can't get into too much trouble.

So anyways the family is adjusting I think pretty well, getting back into our daily routine and guess what I have even started crafting again! *gasp* Yup that is right, starting to work on stocking Lollipop's Boutique for the Grand Opening. Looks like that will be around early August at the rate I am going, I really wasn't expecting to have a baby at 41 weeks so that has put me a touch behind.

So with the grand opening approaching and the family getting settled into a routine there are some changes I want to make to this blog, changes I hope for the better. As it stands now I post whenever I get a moment, write about whatever is on my mind and so on. I want to get myself into a routine, a schedule of sorts, a more regular posting about specific topics. It might take me a bit to fully get the routine down but here is what I am tentatively thinking:

Monday : Make it Mondays -- Here is where I share any DIY projects I have been up to
Tuesday : Thoughtful Tuesday -- Thoughts on the week, anything, even completely random off the wall inside my brain scariness :)
Wednesday : Workin' for it Wednesday -- Get the 411 on everything Lollipop's Boutique, anything from sales to new items to giveaways
Thursday : Thankful Thursday -- A day to write a review of sorts of products, companies, groups, etc I am thankful to have in my life
Friday : Feed me Fridays -- That is right a post about one of my favorite subjects FOOD, whether its a recipe or just a commentary on its greatness
Weekends : OFF -- everyone needs a break right? exactly

So with that idea, what should I DIY this weekend? hmmmm..........

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