Friday, July 20, 2012


Wednesday we tackled a new adventure: Blueberry Pickin'!!!

Yup, that is right the whole family went out and picked blueberries as our morning activity. Its quite the perfect activity for us, only 1.5 miles away from our house, we all LOVE blueberries and its CHEAP! Yeah at $2/lb there was no concern on picking too many and the beautiful thing is we know we would eat them all! Only challenge we knew going in to this was to make sure the toddler didn't eat them all as opposed to gather.

(Okay you may be wondering why I did the weird photo edit, lets just say I am a paranoid mama and don't want anyone stealing legit pics of my babies, enough said)

But isn't he cute holding the old tin coffee can, by its handle of course, walking down the field hand in hand with daddy about to go pick some blueberries!

So the toddler did end up picking quite a few before he realized Wait! These are nummies!!!! Then it was more damage control as we both didn't mind him eating a few but he was going to town on these bushes. Needless to say for the majority of our stay in the fields he rode on daddy's shoulders high above the blueberries where it was safe. Now I can't really blame the kid, everyone else there was eating away so of course he thought he should be too, but I don't want him to learn that bad habit. Sure eat a few to make sure they really are sweet but not by the handfuls like he was doing.

Okay this pic didn't turn out as well, but it was one of the few sweet moments I could capture on my phone of him ACTUALLY picking blueberries and helping out daddy.

We ended up with 4.25lbs that day, not too shabby. The flat of blueberries sits in our fridge and every time one of us opens the fridge you can bet we pop about 10 in our mouth and then move on. They are super sweet and husbands favorite part, no squished mushy ones!!!! Yeah I think this might end up being a weekend thing for our family unless I feel inclined to tackle the fields with both kids by myself, no worries not that crazy yet ;)

So of course you can bet next week's foodie post will probably include a blueberry recipe as well I have maybe 3.5lbs of blueberries left to do something with hmmm..... If you have any ideas on what I should make comment below and maybe I'll be inspired enough to make it!


  1. Blueberry Pizza Dessert – Whether you make your own Blueberry pie filling or use a can, this dessert is really good and really simple to make. Years ago I got the recipe from The Pampered Chef and it has been a favorite of ours ever since.

  2. I was thinking the same thing, yummy, blueberry pizza! I still have the recipe. :-)
