Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Workin' for it Wednesday

So who is ready for some sneak peaks?! I thought you were, so here we go!

Okay forgive the odd photo, remember paranoid mama here, but look you get a little sneak peak of my baby boy!

I am excited to be adding these to the shop, they might not be available 100% of the time depending on how I am doing time wise but I will try my best to always have a few slots available. Really trying to craft only when both kids are sleeping or hanging with dad, turning over a new leaf to be a better mama.

And how cute are these hair clips?


I simply love making little girl accessories for some reason, hopefully one day I'll have a little girl until then I can help you spoil yours. Good things these clips are super cute and grown up enough that even Mommies can rock them! And, yes I rocked that cute little polka dot one while picking blueberries (AGAIN!) on Sunday.

There ya go, a few cute little sneak peaks to hold you over for a little bit, let me know if there is anything you would hope to see in the shop and I'll see what I can do!

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