Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Undercover Mama

Wooo its World Breastfeeding Week and it just so happened to time itself perfectly for my little thankful moment :)

With becoming a new mom again, knowing what I need this time has been easier. I have been able to streamline my daily activities with taking care of both boys and I can thank a few items for being a BIG help. But lets try and keep me focused on one item, this week's thankful Thursday moment goes to....


I bought my first few Undercover Mama shirts back when my oldest was still nursing, but of course he weaned himself right before they arrived. Of course, gotta love Murphy's Law. So they all went into hiding until 3 weeks ago. My first time using them was in the hospital, they are perfect for you hospital stay - comfy, convenient, and pretty stylish in my opinion.

So check it out, you just slide them over your head like any other shirt then attach to any old nursing bra or regular bra. They have two attachment hooks depending on what your bra is capable of receiving. I tend to have to use the little elasticy circle part on mine. Now you can be completely covered, minus the breast that you are using to feed your little one with, in any shirt! Or if you are like me you lounge around the house in just this.

Here is why I think these are better than your average nursing tank.
1. No matter your bra size they fit just like a shirt, meaning as your chest changes sizes throughout the day or month it still fits!
2. They are more fitted. This is important if you are a mama like me with a bigger chest size and a still slightly womanly figure you want to attempt to show off. You know the few parts worthy of showing off still ;)
3. You can still wear this AFTER you are done nursing! Lets face it you won't want to be in a nursing tank after you are done nursing they are a bit bulkier than the average bra but an undershirt is an undershirt.
4. Did I mention they are a mommy owned compnay, that is right these wonderful shirts come from a WAHM company!!!!! Now there is something to get up and dance about.

Seriously one of the best little splurges I have made on me, be sure to go check them out. I'd hurry over too as they have this amazing blue limited edition color: blueberry, its simply superb! I got mine just last week and its adorable!

So you really want to see why I am making such a fuss? I'll show you, but be nice I may not be the most glamorous mommy out there ;)


I am in a white Undercover Mama and you can see just how well it keeps me covered as I go from feeding to burping and back to feeding!

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