Friday, May 4, 2012

Crafty Randomness - Teething Necklace

Okay so I have been doing some serious slacking with posting updates but I am going to try and get better.

So here is a sneak peak of an item headed to the shop soon, well if I can get past this 3rd trimester laziness. Made it on a whim this afternoon and have to say I am in love!

So now that I have made one that I love, made another earlier this week that's pretty blah in comparison. I am wondering what other colors I should make. Help me with my color inspiration block!

I am also working on a few other DIY projects that won't end up on the shop, so if and when I get them completed I will try and write up and photograph a simple tutorial so you all can become your crafty nerdiness on too ;)

until then.....Dream, Play, Create!!!!

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